
Showing posts from December, 2015

Student Yo bravely stands up for his classmate


Solar Panel Suppliers Nepal - Hydropower Companies Nepal - NepalB2B

This site indexes a good number of services available in Nepal... Solar Panel Suppliers Nepal - Hydropower Companies Nepal - NepalB2B

windows 7 - Why can't Win7 remember my tether? New Connection Setup every time - Super User

Using my android phone tethered to my laptop for internet, I wanted to prevent Windows from incrementely increasing the network connection's name everytime I recconect the phone. Originally posted at the link posted at the end of this blog post. Open Network & Sharing Center Change adapter settings Right click (on your tethered "Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device", in my case its "LAN-Huawei-USB") Status Details Copy the IPv4 Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway & DNS Servers (in my case it's- ipv4:, subnet:, gateway:, dns servers: & again Right click (on your tethered "Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device", in my case its "LAN-Huawei-USB") Properties Highlight "Internet protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties Use the following IP address: enter what you copied earlier from STATUS here OK close all windows Now your c